Academic Jubilee of Distinguished Professor Isabel Sá Correia

The Academic Jubilee of Isabel Sá Correia, Professor at the Department of Bioengineering (DBE) and researcher at the Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences (iBB) will take place on 7th February, at 5 p.m., in Técnico congress centre.


5 p.m. – Opening session – João Pedro Conde – Head of DBE
5.05 p.m. – Rogério Colaço – President of Técnico
5.10 p.m. – Jorge Pedrosa – President of Portuguese Society of Microbiology
5.15 p.m. – Joaquim Cabral – DBE
5.20 p.m. – Arsénio Fialho – DBE
5.25 p.m. – Jorge Leitão – DBE
5.30 p.m. – Isabel Sá-Correia – 30 min “As Ciências Biológicas numa Escola de Engenharia” (“Biological Sciences in a School of Engineering”)
6 p.m. – Luís Ferreira – Rector of Universidade de Lisboa
6.05 p.m. – Closing session and Porto de Honra