iBB-BSRG Researcher Cláudia P. Godinho Delivers Two Oral Presentations at Microbiotec21

Cláudia P. Godinho, a PhD researcher at the iBB Biological Sciences Research Group, presented the work "The N.C.Yeastract and CommunityYeastract databases and tools: studying transcriptional regulation in non-conventional yeasts" during the Synthetic & Systems biology Symposium. During this presentation, the researcher provided a guided exploration of the tools of the N.C.Yeastract database, which gathers all published regulatory associations and TF-binding sites for five yeast species of biotechnological potential. The potential of the CommunityYeastract database was also explained. The presentation was based in a recent MiniReview published this year in FEMS Yeast Research, resulting from collaborative work between the BSRG-iBB team coordinated by Isabel Sá-Correia and INESC-ID colleagues.
Cláudia P. Godinho was also selected for presenting the International Microorganism Day initiative in the Teaching and Communicating in Science symposium. The purpose of the presentation, co-authored by Cláudia and Isabel Sá-Correia, was to report the results from IMD 2021 campaign and event, to promote IMD, and to provide an idea of the power of social media in Microbiology dissemination.