DBE’s PhD student co-organised Virtual Meeting on Diffusion MRI

DBE’s Biomedical Engineering PhD student and LaSEEB member Ana Matoso took part of the European organising committee of the DSG day: 24 Hours of Diffusion Around the World! This event took place on the 2nd of February and was an initiative of the Diffusion Study Group (DSG) of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) whose objective is to encourage the sharing of new research in the area of ​​Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging and establish discussions between professionals in the field. Furthermore, as this is an event held by trainees for trainees, it also offers the opportunity for younger researchers to contact already established researchers. To reach a global audience, the event is held online and is divided into 3 time zones: Asia-Australasia, Europe-Africa and the Americas. Each time zone was the responsibility of a committee, who organised educational sessions, poster presentations and a social event. See more.